


Joe kas lakisid veljed ära et rooste uss kalale ei läheks

The new Vortex is like driving a MkIV. Sure it has the same name, but it's just wrong.

Without coilovers you won't rub at all, on any wheels.

Wow a black car with wheels and coils. Freaking sweet dude

You know your a dubber when you bottom out and everyone in the car looks like they just sht there pants and you just shrug.

I agree - keep it on the driver's side, those boost-happy passengers are always tryin' to get the party started....

165/35R17 or GTFO

Welcome to the MK3 Forums for we are the destroyers of dreams.

Holy have you been a member of the Vortex since 2003 and only have 24 posts!? Epic!


Wheels>all other things in life

Welcome to the vortex. more addicting then heroin.

It's all about the static drop. Fuck airride.

All I ever do is post pics of some slammed stock piece of garbage car and brag that im so static i drive hardcore like this all the time.